Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Communication has been defined differently by different scholars. Some say that communication is the transfer of information from one person to another through a medium, among other definations.However, communication has many functions.
Motivation in working places-managers will use downward communication to call meetings promote grades/levels of worker & holding motivation talks to employees .Managers will use communication to salespersons,for instance to award them on better commissions, which will increase sales for the organization .All organizations should motivate workers by better remuneration holding face to face meetings e.t.c.
Control of habits and behaviors’ in day to day life any unwanted behaviors’ are corrected through communication in marriages (relationships)public, working places, and in discipline development in  schools .In organizations, top managers are obliged to dictate rules and regulations that should be followed by workers in and out of the organization.
Interaction people in the society came into contact every day. This must have a favorite i.e. communication.
The society interacts in social, political and economic functions. Better interaction must show togetherness, sovernity and love which can only be expressed through communication. In organizations, customers, staff and managers interact for the betterment of the organization performance through the same tool.
Provision of information any sender or source of information uses communication to pass the message to the receiver. In organization information is delivered whether upwardly or downwardly through communication managers pass information to junior staff verbally or written .The mass media uses nearly all modes of communication to express and transmit information to listeners, viewers or readers.
Socialization people of different aspects socialize every now and then. They sphere ideas, new and entertainment. The emergence of social networks and social media has facilitated communication e.g. face book, twitter, Skype and
Debates and discussions organizations and government hold meetings and forum e.g. members of parliament use communication to debate on bills and motions. Also politicians hold their rally and pass their manifestos to their followers
It also held in persuading and educating.Organisations use communication to persuade the customers and client to buy or use their products. In the field of education, teacher use it to pass information and knowledge to their students.
Promotion of culture and entertainment- Through televisions, radios and social networks, people share their cultural belifs,schools and institutions also engage.
Peace and integration- communication promotes integration and peace coexistence in the society. Through communication conflicts and chaos are either stopped or prevented through dialogue and peace talks.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

the truth of the matter is that, kenyan politics are heading to the 'best' direction.they will come together and only few candidates will compete for presidency.